Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH - Votre grossiste en technologie événementielle. Vente aux clients professionnels uniquement. Tous les prix s'entendent hors TVA


Cerisier en fleurs
EUROPALMS Cerisier à 4 troncs, plante artificielle, rose, 180 cm

180 cm
Spring awakening:

With their beautiful blossoms, cherry trees are among the first harbingers of spring.
The color palette of the graceful blossoms ranges from white to delicate pink to bright pink. Let the "Hanami" (ritual of looking at the cherry blossoms) take place in your premises with the detailed artificial plant from Europalms!

Intertwined real stems with lianas form the trunk of the artificial plant and enhance the natural appearance. The branches of the tree crown are lush with pink textile flowers and the first, small, delicate green leaves peek out. Depending on the location and requirements, these can be bent into shape in a few simple steps (further apart = more voluminous).
The included basic garden pot is covered with artificial moss and gives the plant a stable stand when setting in a planter.

Cerisier en fleurs

  • Tronc naturel à lianes
  • À feuilles réalistes env. 162
  • Fleurs élégantes rose claircoloré
Données techniques
Tronc:3 x Tronc naturel à lianes
Installation/fixation:Pot de jardinier
Feuillage:Env. 162 feuilles
Fleurs:Couleur : rose clair
Style de déco:Forêt et pré
Dimension:Hauteur : 180 cm
Poids:5,50 kg
Unités de conditionnement
140263975822916,50 kg183cm x 22,5cm x 22cm
24026397582307205cm x 22cm x 22cm
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Informations du fabricant
Steinigke Showtechnic GmbH
Andreas-Bauer-Str. 5
D-97297 Waldbüttelbrunn

+49 931 4061 600
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