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Cavo di bloccaggio per dispositivi a freddo per connessioni affidabili
IEC LOCK Prolunga per dispositivi a freddo bloccabile 3x1,0 3 m nero

3 x 1,0

Cavo di bloccaggio per dispositivi a freddo per connessioni affidabili

IEC LOCK Prolunga per dispositivi a freddo bloccabile 3x1,0 3 m nero

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No. 30235251
IEC LOCK Dual-Lock Picture of the power cord, logo of the company

IEC Lock

The Locking Power Cable for Reliable Connections

IEC Lock is the safe locking solution which is compatible with any standard C14 inlet without the need for a special receptacle!
IEC LOCK Dual-Lock Picture with different event technology devices, symbolic picture
Securely Through Every Event
The IEC Lock mechanism prevents the power cord from being pulled out by accident. Thanks to this innovation, the C13 connector always remains in the socket securely – even withstanding vibrations and other interferences during an event. This guarantees a reliable and constant connection.
IEC LOCK Dual-Lock Picture of the connector with instructions on how to use
How It Works
The C13 connector locks automatically when inserted and can be unlocked by pulling the locking tab. It is also compatible with any device that has an IEC C14 input. This provides a convenient and flexible solution without the need to replace the existing input.
IEC LOCK Dual-Lock Picture of the dual lock connector
The Dual Lock connector now also locks in C14 sockets
The new Dual Lock connector locks into most female receptacles thanks to its unique locking tabs. In snap-in sockets, the tabs lock into the slots already present in the construction. Even in flange sockets that do not have such slots, the tabs increase the friction and counteract accidental disconnection of the plug.

Cavo di bloccaggio per dispositivi a freddo per connessioni affidabili

  • Bloccato in modo indipendente durante l'inserimento
  • Bloccato in modo indipendente durante l'inserimento
  • Per maggiori informazioni su questo prodotto, consultare "Download" nella scheda tecnica

Dotazione della fornitura

  • 1 x Cavo di rete/Cavo di alimentazione
Dati tecnici
Struttura cavo:3 x 1,0 mm² H05VV-F
Lunghezza cavo:3 m
Collegamento A:1 x Dispositivi a freddo LOCK+ (M)
Collegamento B:1 x Dispositivi a freddo LOCK+ (F)
Peso:0,35 kg
Unità di imballaggio
QPC EANPeso Dimensioni
150563132471320,36 kg25cm x 7cm x 6cm
40402639772649714,70 kg47cm x 35cm x 29cm
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Informazioni sul produttore
Engelking Elektronik GmbH
Albstraße 16
D-78609 Tuningen
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